Two Month Anniversary

Yes, we're celebrating our "month-a-versaries"! Celebrate the small things in life people. (: 
I want to share this quote by Bob Marley, which talks about finding someone who is perfect for YOU. Of course, no body on this earth is perfect we all have our imperfections. Yet, that is what makes this world so amazing, everyone's differences. Anyway, here it is. . .
I have always loved this quote, he couldn't have said this more perfectly. 
Two months ago today, I married the man who is perfect for me. I love and adore him more than anything and would do anything for him. We talk about anything and everything and make each other laugh. Yet, we still share silence when it's needed. We are goofy and weird and totally admit to it. We both want to live life to it's fullest and live to our fullest potentials. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for bringing this man into my life. I can not even imagine what my life would be like with out him. 

06.19.2013 GOT CRUMP (:


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