Fit Brit Fitness Blog

If you LOVE throwing around weights but feel a little bored with your workouts, then TRY OURS!

Follow my fitness blog for my daily workouts. Before you follow and read my WOD's; please note that I am NOT following a tailored workout program right now, there is no real rhyme or rhythm to them.  I am just doing whatever I feel like doing that particular day. My workouts I'm blogging are for fitness goers who know what they're doing in the gym, people who have lifted before, more advanced. So keep that in mind. However, if you're a beginner I hope you email me to help you get started.


Try my workouts and tell me what you think. The workouts range from 45 to 90 min. depending on my daily schedule. I usually go to the gym with Cam and we do what we want. Like I mentioned... we're not following a workout program or plan or strict regime, we just decide as we go and have fun with what we're doing. It's made the gym exciting for me, kind of spontaneous and random but we don't have any particular fitness goals at the moment besides keeping our bodies healthy, strong and moving.


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